Monday, January 18, 2010

Speaking at Conferences in 2010

Continuous auditing and data analysis were hot topics as IIA and ISACA programs for 2008 and 2009, and each remain of interest here in the new year. In the last two weeks, we have booked Continuous Auditing and Data Analysis programs in Houston on February 1, and also for the North Carolina IIA District Conference in Charlotte on March 18.

In Charlotte, we will be co-presenting with Dr. George Aldhizer and David Payseur from Arrowpoint. Each of these programs will feature the Continuous Auditing Maturity Model that was published in the Sept / Oct 2009 issue of Internal Auditing. (Reprints available on request - just leave a comment on this post or send an email).

We are also scheduled to speak at the AICPA's National Advanced Accounting and Auditing Technical Symposium, specifically about a data-driven approach to Enterprise Risk Management. This ERM topic is one that we expect will be repeated at other conferences, as using data analytics for risk assessment, whether internal audit project selection or for broader enterprise risk assessment, can be a very powerful application.

Though registration information is not yet posted for this conference, we have also received word that Visual Risk IQ has been accepted as a speaker at the AICPA's Controller's Conference, where our topic will be Social Media and its application for Finance and Audit. So look for more Tweets, Blogs, and LinkedIn updates on that topic as the arrangements are finalized.

Wishing each of you the best for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2010.


Joe Oringel
Visual Risk IQ
Charlotte North Carolina, USA