Wednesday, December 2, 2009

IIA Releases new Guidance, including GTAG #13 - Fraud Prevention and Detection in an Automated World

The IIA released its newest Guidance this morning. Both a Practice Guide titled Internal Auditing and Fraud and a Global Technology Audit Guide titled Fraud Prevention and Detection in an Automated World. Contributors include good friends Rich Lanza, Peter Millar (ACL), and Don Sparks (Audimation / IDEA).

I've downloaded both this evening, and look forward to reading each on my Chicago trip this week. We anticipate updating our proprietary QuickStart methodology for Data Analytics to consider the anti-fraud framework in the Guides.

More to follow in the coming week. Any early comments and observations on either document would be welcomed.

1 comment:

toomuchcountry said...

Props also to Dr. Marilyn Prosch at Arizona State for her involvement as well. She normally joins us at Rutgers for the CA-CM symposium though she couldn't make it this year. She is heavily involved in research related to standards and assurance services for security - including continuous auditing-monitoring applications in that space.