Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Speaking at Conferences in 2010, continued

Excellent feedback from IIA Chapter and District meetings has resulted in several new speaking opportunities this quarter. The list of topics is broadening, though the central themes remain data analysis and continuous auditing and monitoring. Among the newest new topics are a Data-Driven Approach to Enterprise Risk Management and Social Media 101, in addition to existing programs around anti-fraud programs and continuous auditing and monitoring.

Recent speaking engagements booked include National AICPA Conferences (i.e. NAAAT's - the National Advanced Accounting and Auditing Symposium and Controller's Workshops) and industry conferences with the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) and Association of HealthCare Internal Audit Conference (AHIA), among others. At AHIA, we'll be co-presenting with Chase Whitaker of HCA HealthCare, and at ACUA's Annual Conference we'll be co-presenting with Scott Stevenson of Emory.

We are currently preparing for our Wake-Up session on May 19, 2010, at MISTI's SuperStrategies, the Audit Best Practices conference to be held in Orlando. Our session is entitled Hot Topics in Continuous Auditing: Fraud, FCPA, and More. We will recap a number of Continuous Auditing implementations that touch on frequent risk assessment and frequent control assessment. This session will describe ways to integrate the multitude of audit software platforms that can occasionally challenge, if not even overwhelm internal audit departments.

For more information on bringing partial-day or even full-day speaker programs to your IIA, ACFE, ISACA, or CPA society meeting, please contact us via the comment feature of this blog below.

Joe Oringel
Visual Risk IQ
Charlotte NC, USA

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