Friday, November 5, 2010

Top 10 Things that Go Wrong in a Continuous Auditing Project

Very nice summary from Patrick Taylor from Oversight Systems of their experiences from CA and CCM implementation. Patrick did a very good job of sharing examples and screen shots of how their tool are being configured to monitor both routine and non-routine transactions.

10. Compliance is the Lead
9. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach (you try to monitor everything)
8. Look through this report please (tedious, there's no bottom to the report)
7. Let's learn a specialized analysis language (instead of SQL)
6. Let's clean up the last two years of exceptions (10000++ exceptions. Yikes!)
5. Continuous Audit instead of Continuous Improvement (i.e. Use Reason Codes)
4. Don't know how to spell Vasarhelee, Vaserheyli, Vasarhellee, Vasarhelyi... (LOL!)
3. Only know how to Audit AP (other apps are
2. Bringing a knife to a gun fight. (re-testing what is already controlled by ERP)
1. Not Using Oversight (LOL x 2)

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